New Braunfels has a rich history and heritage. Local organizations, including the Sophienburg, Wurstfest, local first responders, and utility company provide experiences for Klein students to learn more about how New Braunfels was settled, various cultural celebrations and ways to stay safe in our community.
Active and Supportive PTA - The Klein Road PTA works side by side with administration and teachers to provide opportunities for students. They also support the school through volunteerism, and they facilitate fund raising for further campus improvements.
At Klein Road Elementary School, we recognize that parent & family engagement is an important aspect of effective schooling. The school and the home cannot be looked at in isolation from one another; families and schools need to collaborate to help children adjust to the responsibilities of being successful students.
Two-way communication about school programs and students’ progress is promoted due to the belief that education is a responsibility shared with parents. Parents are invited to actively participate in school decision making.
Through conferences and newsletters, parents are provided with timely information about curriculum, assessments, and student proficiency levels. This will ensure that the school remains focused on our primary responsibility to provide a high-quality curriculum and instructional program in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables all students to meet academic expectations set forth in the Texas State Standards.
We are committed to increasing parent & family engagement, which will ultimately improve student achievement.